Zákaznický portál

Special tariff

Internet MidWave

Internet MidWave

Our new MidWave tariff delivers stable, flawless, and lightning-fast internet. If your priority is speed and low latency, MidWave is the ultimate choice for an uninterrupted digital experience!

But beware, this offer is only available in certain locations. Become one of the lucky ones and join today!


Internet MidWave tarify

* The download/upload speed ratio is 1:2, for example, a 200Mbit plan means the download speed is 200Mbit/s and the upload speed is 100Mbit/s.

* Activation fee varies depending on the distance from the transmitter (high cost of antenna acquisition).


Ubiquiti Wave technology delivers fast and reliable wireless connectivity in the 60GHz band. It is a modern solution for high-speed links, emphasizing stability, speed, and low latency. The antennas are equipped with dual integrated radios – a primary 60GHz band and a backup 5GHz connection for maximum reliability.

What is the 60GHz band?

The 60GHz band is a part of the radio spectrum that has not been widely used for a long time. However, Ubiquiti utilizes this frequency to create fast and stable wireless connections. The 60GHz band is an ideal choice for connections in interference-prone areas, as it does not suffer from typical wireless congestion.


Ikona Speed

High transfer speeds allow us to offer speeds comparable to what you would expect from fiber optic connections.

Ikona Low Latency

Low latency is especially useful for avid gamers where every millisecond counts.

Ikona Redundancy

The antenna is equipped with active redundancy, meaning you won't lose a single moment online even if the main connection is lost.

Ikona Support

Continuous updates from developers ensure the technology continues to improve, bringing optimizations and even greater performance.

Available Locations


  • Covers most of the town


  • Covers most of the town


  • Pokrývá menší část již pokryté oblasti


  • Covers most of the town

Červená Lhota

  • Covers most of the town


  • Covers a smaller part of the town

Náměšť nad Oslavou

  • Covers most of the town


  • Covers a smaller part of the town


  • Covers most of the town


  • Covers most of the town


  • Covers most of the town


  • Covers most of the town


  • Covers a smaller part of the town

Přibyslavice u Třebíče

  • Covers most of the town


  • Covers a smaller part of the town


  • Covers most of the town


  • Oblast Horka Domky (Ulice Demlova)
  • Oblast Týn (Ulice J.Haška)
  • Oblast Vnitřní město a ulice Brněnská (Nemocnice)
  • Oblast Nové Dvory (Ulice Novodvorská)
  • Oblast Horka Domky a Jejkov (Vaňkovo náměstí)
  • Oblast Vnitřní město (Okolí ulice 9. května)
  • Oblast ulice Bráfova třída


  • Covers a smaller part of the town

Didn't find your address in the list? Don't worry! Call our sales line or send an email and we will gladly check the available rates for you.


Technical support

  • 24/7
  • Online support