Zákaznický portál


Development in Kojetice na Moravě


Kojetice na Moravě: První etapa 1/2 🚀

Pustili jsme se do rozsáhlejšího rozšíření sítě v Kojeticích na Moravě! 🔧
Tentokrát budujeme hned dva nové stožáry – klasický stožár a příhradovou konstrukci. 🏗️
Díky této výstavbě připravujeme pevný základ pro nové spoje, které přinesou stabilnější a rychlejší připojení.

📡 Sledujte nás – už příští pátek vám ukážeme více!
#Kojetice #MidgardNetworks #Výstavba #Vysílač #Internet

Modernisation in Náměšt’ nad Oslavou

Náměšťáci, pozor! 🌐

Máme pro vás skvělou zprávu! Nový tarif MidWave je nyní dostupný s rychlostí až 200 Mbps pro většinu z vás! 📶
A to není vše – vylepšili jsme hlavní vysílač v Náměšti! 📡 Nový přívod a modernizovaný hardware vysílače zajistí ještě stabilnější připojení k internetu. Připojte se k nám a užívejte si internet bez kompromisů!

#NáměšťnadOslavou #Ubiquiti #60Ghz #MidWave #MidgardNetworks
👉 Více na www.midgard.cz/midwave

Frost on the transmitter


We are definitely not bored at work! 💪
Our team doesn’t stop even in the most challenging conditions. This time we set about cleaning our transmitters so that your internet connection is always fast and reliable, even in inclement weather. 🧹🔧
Whether it’s snowing, windy or below zero, we do our best to keep your internet running at full speed. 😊 Check out some photos of our work in the field! 📸
You are always online with us – Midgard Networks. 🌐
#ReliableInternet #MidgardNetworks #Winter #Ice

Christmas opening hours


Dear Customers,

we would like to inform you about our Christmas opening hours. Our branch in Trebic will be closed from Monday 23 December 2024 to Sunday 5 January 2025.

However, our online technical support will remain available during this time and can be contacted on +420 530 505 800.

Thank you for your understanding and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Midgard Networks

Construction in Studenec


Today we bring you an exclusive look at the construction of the dam in Studenec at the waterworks! 🏗️📸 We equipped ourselves with a DSLR camera, a drone and a bit of enthusiasm for the best shots. We admit the drone almost ended up in the dam once, but what wouldn’t we do for quality content, right? 😅🚁

Check out the behind the scenes photos and videos and look forward to even more stable internet, because when we build, we build hard! 💪🌐

This is to introduce you to our new transmitter, which will be crucial for several communities and the development of our Midgard Networks network. 📡✨
#Student #MovementTechnology #MidgardNetworks #Internet

News on the website


We are constantly striving to improve and innovate! 🌟
Our website now has a detailed guide to properly configure your home WiFi router on the Midgard network! 📖

And for our future curious customers, we have prepared a tutorial on how to install a wireless connection. 📶🛠️

Wireless installation procedure

Configuring a home Wi-Fi router on a Midgard network

#MidgardNetworks #News #Internet

Expansion of coverage in Kralice nad Oslavou


Great news for all residents of Kralice nad Oslavou! 🌟

We have extended our internet coverage to other parts of Kralice!
But that’s not all! 📡
We have great news for the residents of the Pecenov 312 and 313 housing units – you can now use our MidFiber distribution tariffs here. This tariff will guarantee you a great internet experience with high speed and stable connection, ideal for both work and play with speeds up to 200Mbit at a great price! 🏎️💨

Adjusted opening hours at the Třebíč office


Dear Customers,

We would like to inform you about the adjusted operating hours at our office in Trebic. From Monday 24.6. to Friday 28.6. will be open only from 8:00 to 12:00. However, we are still available at +420 530 512 012, Brno +420 530 505 600 or technical support +420 530 505 800.

We wish you a wonderful holiday full of sunshine!

Your Midgard Networks team.

Church in Opatov


Every day at work is an experience in our industry, but some days are really special.

This time we went to replace a faulty antenna in Opatov. What’s so special about that? This antenna is located on a church tower! 📡🏰

In order not to disturb the aesthetics of the church, we carefully spray painted the antenna so that it was as little visible as possible.

#TransmitterAtChurch #MidgardNetworks #60GHz #Wave

Up to 200Mbit in Říčky? Why not…


We can now offer up to 200Mbit where you wouldn’t expect it before! 🌐
Join the wave of the new MidWave wireless technology, which you can now find in Říčky! 🏡🔗


#MidWave #Říčky #MidgardNetworks 💻📡

Challenge in Slavice


The atypical roof covering together with the height of the building and other aspects were a challenge for us, but we gladly accept the challenge! Take a look at how we successfully completed the construction of the transmitter for the village of Slavice! 🏗️
We are now ready to bring you up to 100Mbit using MidLTU wireless technology available to part of Slavice! 💻
For more information, click here: www.midgard.cz/midltu
#UbiquitiLTU #MidgardNetworks #internet 🌐

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)T

Faster internet in Červená Lhota


Faster internet also in Červená Lhota! 💻🚀

On Wednesday, most of our team met and together we started rebuilding the main transmitter for Červená Lhota. 💪🔧
And the result? Check out a few catches from the event! 😊.

More at: www.midgard.cz/midwave 🌐


Modernization on the backbone transmitter

Amazing night event on the main transmitter for Okříšky, Přibyslavice and surroundings! 🌌

Do you want to know what happened on 18.01. from midnight to 6 a.m.? Check out our exclusive behind the scenes look for yourself!
During this event we made the rack box bigger and replaced all the important components. 🚀 This will not only ensure our network grows, but is also kept up to date and modern in every way! 💡

#RozvojSítě #NeustaleAktualni #MidgardNetworks

Modernization in Trebic – Hospital

We have been preparing and thoroughly testing new technologies for a long time. Now you have the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of our network and follow the development of these innovations! 🚀
Watch exclusive footage on one of our many transmitters where we are preparing these technologies for you 🔜📈.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date! 💻🌐
#Modernization #Ubiquiti #60Ghz #Trebic

We have launched our new website


We have just launched a new website. The complete structure of the website and design has changed. We focused on making the new site more intuitive for visitors and making the website meet today’s trends and standards.

We hope you enjoy the new website.


Failure of data services


On July 3, 2020, there was a massive outage of data services. The outage was caused by earthworks, which damaged the optical cable.


Technical support

  • 24/7
  • Online support